Stab 4: Fresh Blood

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After being accused of her family's murder, Sarah Campbell has moved from her home in Odessa, Texas to the smaller, peaceful town of Manchester, New Hampshire. Stuck in an unfamiliar place, Sarah rediscovers joy in her oldest hobby: dance. Sarah joins a local dance-team and befriends her teammates. 

Trouble soon finds Sarah, again, when a local news reporter, Heather Gale, from Texas, follows her to New Hampshire, revealing the dark secrets of her past and accusing her of a new string of local murders. One by one, her friends begin to drop like flies in a very familiar pattern. Could Sarah and the murders be connected? Or has someone else taken their love of the Stab movies one step too far?

Fun Facts

Fun Fact #1 This was the first film released by

Fun Fact #2 This film was never planned to be posted on the internet. It was simply an acting experiment for Joshua Patrick Dudley and his friends.

Fun Fact #3 Stab 4: Fresh Blood received over 300,000 views the first night it was posted.

Fun Fact #4 Two other actresses were cast as Sarah Campbell before Audrey Marquee took the lead.

Fun Fact #5 Most of the character's names are parodies of names from the Scream franchise.

Fun Fact #6 This movie was filmed on a Flip camera.

Cast and Crew


Audrey Marquee  as  Sarah Campbell
Jennifer Sue Mallard  as  Heather Gale
Shannon Nightingale  as  Shannon Lewis
Joshua Patrick Dudley  as  Jay McConnell
Reanna Warnock  as  Mandy Meyers
Chris Dube  as  Cj Walker
Laura Coleman  as  April Lewis
Adam Kaufmann  as  Travis Tate
Alicia Vigeant  as  Nikki Summers
Marcel Robinson  as  Roy Brown
Amanda Constant  as  Haley Graham
Alex Wenta  as Lucas Depp
Shana Roystan  as  Casey Campbell
Brett W. Mallard  as  Mr. Campbell
Karen Ferrandino  as Mrs. Campbell
Rachel Alexandria Arnold  as  Tammy Taylor


Written By
Joshua Patrick Dudley

Directed By
Joshua Patrick Dudley

Music By
Isaias M. Garcia

Executive Producer
Joshua Patrick Dudley
